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The Resource Library hosts all the documents for the website as well as web form links. Use the filter tool on this page to narrow your search down by title, tags, degree and more. Some resources are viewable only to employees, staff or students so make sure you are logged into the website to view all results.

Name Type Audience
503 Secure and Verifiable Documents Policy/Procedure
504 Ethical Conduct Policy/Procedure
504-01 Code of Ethics Procedure Policy/Procedure
504-02 Employee Code of Conduct Procedure Policy/Procedure
504-03 Conflict of Interest Procedure Policy/Procedure
504-04 Outside Employment and Advanced Study Procedure Policy/Procedure
504-05 Nepotism Procedure Policy/Procedure
504-06 Interpersonal Relationships Procedure Policy/Procedure
504-07 Political Activity Procedure Policy/Procedure
506 Safety and Health Policy/Procedure
506-02 Animals on Campus Procedure Policy/Procedure
506-05 Use of Automated External Defibrillation (AED) Procedure Policy/Procedure
506-27 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Operation Procedure Policy/Procedure
506-29 Service Animals Procedure Policy/Procedure
506-30 Solicitation and Vending Procedure Policy/Procedure
509 Equal Opportunity & Anti-Discrimination Policy/Procedure
509-01 EEO and Anti-Discrimination Statements Procedure Policy/Procedure
510 Employment of Personnel Policy/Procedure
510-01 Recruitment & Selection of Personnel Procedure Policy/Procedure
510-02 Employment Approval & Offer Procedure Policy/Procedure
510-03 Reorganization, Reclassification, & New Positions Procedure Policy/Procedure
510-04 Background Drug MVR Checks Procedure Policy/Procedure
510-05 Employee Personnel File Procedure Policy/Procedure
510-06 Employment References Procedure Policy/Procedure
510-07 Employment Eligibility and Verification: Form I-9 Compliance Procedure Policy/Procedure
510-08 Status of Employees Procedure Policy/Procedure
510-09 Job Descriptions Procedure Policy/Procedure
510-10 Performance Evaluation Procedure Policy/Procedure
510-12 Employee Visitors in the Workplace Policy/Procedure
512 Americans with Disabilities Act Policy/Procedure
512-01 Reasonable Accommodation Procedure Policy/Procedure
514 Workplace Accommodation for Lactating Employees Policy/Procedure
514-01 Workplace Accommodation for Lactating Employees Procedure Policy/Procedure
516 Minors on Campus Policy/Procedure
516-01 Minors in College Programs Procedure Policy/Procedure
516-02 Minor Participation in Events Procedure Policy/Procedure
516-03 Minor Student Travel Procedure Policy/Procedure
518 Compensation & Classification Policy/Procedure
518-01 Direct Deposit of Pay Procedure Policy/Procedure
518-02 Overtime Procedure Policy/Procedure
518-03 Interim Capacity Procedure Policy/Procedure
518-04 Catalyst Compensation Procedure Policy/Procedure
518-05 Out-of-Classification Assignment Procedure Policy/Procedure
518-06 Facility Closure Pay Procedure Policy/Procedure
518-07 Exempt Employees Procedure Policy/Procedure
523 Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Policy/Procedure
523-01 Employee Complaint Procedure Policy/Procedure
525 Title IX Sexual Misconduct Policy/Procedure
525-01 Title IX Sexual Misconduct Procedure Policy/Procedure
526 Employment Benefits Policy/Procedure