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Tuition Classification is regulated by Colorado state law (Title 23, Article 7, of the Colorado Revised Statues) and by judicial decision that apply to all public institutions of higher learning in Colorado. These statues are subject to change at any time and the college does not have the discretion to make exceptions to the regulation except as prescribed by state law.

For additional information regarding residency, please visit the Colorado Department of Higher Education.   

Tuition Classification is a process that defines a student's residency status which affects what rate a student will pay during their journey through Aims Community College. Residency status can change from one semester to another upon request and with the submission of necessary forms and documentation. Students have the option to be classified as any of the following statuses: In-District, In-State (Out-of-District), Western Undergrad Exchange (W.U.E.), or Out-of-State.

Residency status for students under 23 years old will be based off of parent or legal guardian information. Residency for students who are 23 years of age or older (or who are under 23 years old, but have been married for a full year or who are under 23 and have been legally emancipated) will be based off of the student's information.

In general, to be awarded In-State residency, the qualifying individual (either student or parent/legal guardian) must be physically present in the the state of Colorado for 365 days before the first day of the student's classes and must have taken steps to make Colorado their permanent home (i.e. made ties to the state such as getting a driver’s license, filing Colorado state taxes, etc.). 

In addition, students who live in the Aims tax district may qualify for the In-District residency type as well.

Note that residency statuses cannot be changed retroactively and all residency changes for a specific term must be completed prior to the main drop deadline (see academic calendar). If you are unable to provide needed residency information, you may be coded as an Out-of-State residency status and will pay Out-of-State rates until the required forms and/or documentation have been submitted to the Registration & Records office.

Initial Classification occurs at the time that the student is admitted (or in the term that a student is re-admitted) to Aims Community College and is determined based on the information that the student reports in their Application for Admission.  Failure to answer all questions could lead to initial classification as "Student Action Required" and, if no additional (or if insufficient) information is submitted, then classification would default to "Out-of-State". If that were to occur, the student will be responsible for paying Out-of-State rates until they can submit the necessary documentation and/or forms to clarify their residency status. This must be done within posted deadlines.

After the student's residency status is determined (changed from "Student Action Required" to any other status), it will remain unchanged unless a change is requested and supporting documentation provided.

If a student feels that their initial classification is incorrect and they have not yet begun classes in their first semester (or first semester back) or if a student was set in a "Student Action Required" residency status and they have not begun classes yet, they may update their residency information by requesting the change through your student Workday Account by submitting a STUDENT RESIDENCY: Tuition Classification Addendum request. (Note that there are other residency requests that you may submit regarding certain exemptions to classification. To view all options, please log into your Workday account, and search "Create Request". All residency requests start with the phrase "STUDENT RESIDENCY:") If the student is not sure which request is right for them or would like to pursue an exemption not listed, please contact the Tuition Classification team at

A Petition for In-State Tuition Classification form is used for students whose residency status has been determined as Out-of-State and who believe they meet the qualifications of In-State residency status. This option is not necessary for students with a "Student Action Required" status. This form can be submitted for review to the Tuition Classification team up to 90 prior to the start date of the term that the student is petitioning for a change in.

In-State residency status is based on the "qualified person" either the student or the parent or legal guardian of a student and requires that the qualified person prove domicile (legal, primary residence) in Colorado for 12 months prior to the term that the student plans to attend.

Per Colorado Law, changes to residency status for a term in question must be made prior to the student's earliest course start date in that term. Changes requested after that date will be denied or individually reviewed to see if extenuating circumstances applied. 


Students who live in the Aims tax district (most, but not all, of Weld County) may qualify for the In-District tuition rate which is lower than the In-State tuition rate.  Students who move into the Aims Tax District may request the tuition discount by filling out a STUDENT RESIDENCY: Request for In-District Tuition Classification request request form. Changes will be subject to posted deadlines. 

Students can establish domicile in Colorado only when they (or their qualified person, if applicable) are residing in Colorado with the present intention to reside permanently in the state. Evidence of Colorado domicile includes actions that in the circumstances would normally be expected of, or that would be characteristic of, any permanent resident. Qualified persons are expected to take appropriate action on all factors relevant in their circumstances.

Pursuant to Colorado law, the Tuition Classification Officer considers a variety of evidence, and any additional relevant information, when evaluating requests for in-state tuition. No single factor or combination of these factors may be considered conclusive evidence of domicile.

The following may be considered as evidence of Colorado domicile:

  • Physical Presence in the state of Colorado. 
    • 365 days are required (with few exceptions for short leaves of absence).
  • Payment of Colorado state income tax
  • Colorado driver's license.
    • If you have a driver's license from another state, you must apply for a Colorado driver's license. If you do not drive, you may obtain a Colorado identification card. Please visit the Department of Motor Vehicle’s website for information about identification requirements.
  • Colorado vehicle registration.
    • Please visit the Department of Motor Vehicle's website for information vehicle registration requirements.
  • Voter registration in Colorado.
    • You may register to vote with your county clerk or when you obtain your Colorado driver's license as soon as you move into the State.
  • Permanent employment or acceptance of future permanent employment in Colorado.
  • Ownership of residential real property in Colorado that is your primary residence.
    • Ownership of vacation or income property is not an indication of domicile.
  • Graduation from a Colorado high school.
  • Continued residence in Colorado during the summer or during other periods when not enrolled as a student or during periods between academic sessions.
  • Other factors particular to your situation may be considered also, and should be documented.

The following may be considered as evidence indicating domicile outside Colorado:

  • Failure to pay Colorado state income tax.
    • Filing a nonresident Colorado tax return is persuasive evidence of domicile outside Colorado.
  • Failure to comply with any law imposing a mandatory duty on a permanent resident of Colorado.
    • Examples include failure to register a motor vehicle and failure to change your driver's license to Colorado within the statutory periods, as well as failure to file a Colorado state income tax return.
  • Return to your former state of residence for a substantial period of time during the summer or during other periods when not enrolled as a student or between academic sessions.
  • Maintenance of a home in another state.
  • Prolonged absence from Colorado, except for military or government service or for temporary absences required by an employer.
  • Any other factor particular to your situation that indicates non-Colorado domicile.
    • Examples include applying for a loan or receiving college financial aid from another state where domicile in that state is a condition for receiving funds, and voting or registering to vote in another state.

More information regarding domicile can be found on the Colorado Department of Higher Education's website

Individuals wishing to petition for In-State residency must submit a Petition for In-State Tuition Classification to the Registration and Records Office for consideration. Please follow the directions on the form.

Please note residency cannot be updated for prior terms once the deadline has passed. For term deadlines please click here.

Note that the burden of proof (in proving domicile) rests upon the petitioner who has the responsibility to submit a petition with the required documentation in a timely manner. Only photocopies of requested documents should be submitted with the petition because all information submitted becomes part of the person’s permanent record and cannot be returned to the petitioner. Students are responsible for submitting the petition by the aforementioned deadline. 

Students will remain classified in their current residency status until they have received notification from the Tuition Classification Officer indicating a residency change has been approved. Students who are petitioning for In-State tuition classification remain responsible for paying their student account based on their current tuition classification.

For questions about the tuition classification process, please contact or reach out to us by phone at (970) 339-6404. 

Colorado tuition classification for the state of Colorado is governed by State Law (Title 23, Article 7, of the Colorado Revised Statutes of 1973, as amended) and by judicial decisions that apply to all public institutions of higher education in Colorado and is subject to change at any time. The tuition classification decision made at one Colorado institution is non-transferable to other Colorado institutions. Aims Community College must apply the rules set forth in the tuition classification statutes and is not free to make exceptions to the rules except as specifically permitted by State Law.

In-State Tuition Rate Under SB 13-033 and HB 22-1155 (ASSET)

Senate Bill 13-033:

On April 29, 2013, Governor Hickenlooper signed Senate Bill 13-033, Advancing Students for a Stronger Economy Tomorrow (ASSET) into law. ASSET provides an additional pathway for students to qualify for in-state tuition classification at Colorado institutions of higher education. This bill allows students without lawful immigration status (examples: no status, Deferred Action) to qualify for in-state tuition rates if they meet certain conditions. 

House Bill 22-1155:

On May 26, 2022, House Bill 22-1155 was implemented. This act states that if the student has graduated from a Colorado high school and has been admitted to a college within 12 months of graduating or completing an equivalency examination or can prove physical presence in the state for 12 months prior to enrolling in a Colorado Institution of Higher Learning, the student will be eligible for in-state residency status.

Declaring ASSET:

To qualify for ASSET, a student with a citizenship type of either "undocumented" or "Nonresident/Noncitizen" must meet the following criteria:

  • Attended a public or private high school in Colorado for at least one year immediately preceding the date graduated from a Colorado high school or was physically present in Colorado for at least one year immediately preceding the date the student completed a high school equivalency examination, AND
  • The student has been physically present in Colorado for at least twelve consecutive months prior to enrolling in an institution. 

Students must provide the following documentation to the Registration and Records Office if they would like to qualify for In-State tuition using ASSET:

  • An official high school transcript showing the date of graduation from a Colorado institution – OR
  • A copy of the GED diploma earned in the state of Colorado – AND
  • A completed COF Affidavit form located here – AND
  • A copy of the ASSET & High School Graduation In-State Exception Request Form located here - AND
  • Proof of 12 consecutive months of physical presence in the state of Colorado IF you are applying to Aims 12+ months after graduating High School/being awarded your GED. 

To learn more about the College Opportunity Fund, please visit the College Opportunity Fund website

If you have further questions regarding Tuition Classification, please contact or call 970-339-6404.

In-State Tuition Rate Under HB 22-1155 (Colorado High School Graduates)

House Bill 22-1155, signed May 26, 2022, states that if the student has graduated from a Colorado high school and been admitted to college within 12 months of graduating or completing an equivalency examination (or can prove physical presence in the state for 12 months prior to enrolling in a Colorado Institution of Higher Learning), they will be eligible for in-state residency status. 

Declaring Colorado High School Graduate Exception:

To qualify for an In-State status as a Colorado High School Graduate, a student with any citizenship type other than "undocumented" or "Nonresident/Noncitizen" must meet the following criteria:

  • Attended a public or private high school in Colorado for at least one year immediately preceding the date graduated from a Colorado high school or was physically present in Colorado for at least one year immediately preceding the date the student successfully completed a high school equivalency examination, AND
  • The student has been physically present in Colorado for at least twelve consecutive months prior to enrolling in an institution. 

Students must provide the following documentation to the Registration and Records Office if they would like to qualify for In-State tuition using the Colorado High School Graduate Exception:

  • An official high school transcript showing the date of graduation from a Colorado institution – OR
  • A copy of the GED diploma earned in the state of Colorado – AND
  • A copy of the ASSET & High School Graduation In-State Exception Request Form located here – AND
  • Proof of 12 consecutive months of physical presence in the state of Colorado IF you are applying to Aims 12+ months after graduating High School/being awarded your GED.

If you have further questions regarding Tuition Classification, please contact or call 970-339-6404

The state of Colorado dictates that you must be a qualified person to be eligible to establish a Colorado domicile and begin the one year domicile period necessary to qualify for in-state tuition.

A qualified person is defined as:

  • An adult who is at least 23 years old, or
  • Married (you must be married for one year if you are younger than 23), or
  • An emancipated minor, or
  • A second-year graduate student