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Concurrent Enrollment

Participating High Schools

High Schools in our Service Area

Find available concurrent enrollment courses and counselor primary contact information on these participating high school pages. If you don’t see your school listed but are interested in earning college credit while in high school, you can contact your high school counselor or the Aims Concurrent Enrollment Coordinator, Aimee Rogers.

Frontier Academy

Frontier Academy is a tuition-free charter school for grades K-12 in Greeley Colorado. Students can earn college credit during high school for free by taking Guarantee Transfer courses on-site or at Career Academy on the Aims Greeley Campus. 

Futures Lab

Futures Lab offers concurrent enrollment opportunities for Poudre School District students to earn college credit in high school. This centralized innovation lab exposes students to higher education for zero cost while helping them make connections and open doors for their future.

Greeley Central High School

Greeley Central High School offers students several CTE pathways for college credit in high school on their school campus. Through concurrent enrollment partnerships with Aims, students can earn postsecondary credit and industry certifications.

Greeley West High School

Greeley West High School offers students several CTE pathways for college credit in high school on their school campus. Through concurrent enrollment partnerships with Aims, students can earn postsecondary credit and industry certifications.

Highland High School

Highland High School in Ault provides students access to Guarantee Transfer courses and Career and Technical Education (CTE) course offerings to earn college credit in high school.

Jefferson Senior High School

Jefferson Senior High School in Greeley partners with Aims to offer a construction management program with an integrated course schedule through concurrent enrollment. The program lets students earn college credit in high school while getting a head start on their career.

Liberty Common High School

Liberty Common High School partners with Aims to offer concurrent enrollment college classes to high school students. By exposing students to college-level material and allowing them to earn credit toward a degree, students are prepared to thrive in college.

Loveland Classical Schools

Loveland Classical Schools is a K-12 tuition-free charter school in Loveland. In partnership with Aims, students have access to Guarantee Transfer courses in History and Literature.

Mead High School

Mead High School partners with Aims to offer college classes for Saint Vrain Valley District high school students through its concurrent enrollment program. These courses are taken on the Mead campus, online, or at an Aims campus at no cost to the student and allow students to simultaneously earn college credits and high school credits.

Mountain View High School

Mountain View High School partners with Aims Community College to offer concurrent enrollment to high school students through Thompson Career Center and Career Academy.